My week, starting Tue, 12 Nov:

Have I had an "interesting"/hectic and stressful/messed-up week...

I suppose, thinking back, it all started when I was involved in a near-fatal car accident on the Tuesday morning. LUCKILY, no injuries were sustained. I cannot stress how fortunate that was. A Corsa-bakkie company car collided with A and I leaving for work at around 06h00. We endeavoured the "good-old" cross-country haul between our economic powerhouses.

Actually, scrap that. We didn't even make it close to the N1, since the route leading to it was oh-so-lovely completely jammed up. We tried to avoid the mess by rather taking the N14. After the necessary observations, I tried switching lanes around the stationary vehicles in front of me. That's when the Corsa did its thing. 

Since the bakkie wasn't seen, I can't be 100% sure, but I am CONVINCED that the bakkie was doing around 90 km/h in a 60 zone. For god's sake, post-collision it only came to a halt around 30m later. IMO, he could definitely have avoided the accident if he tried to apply his brakes, going 60 km/h, instead. Additionally, there were NO BRAKE-MARKS, upon post-inspection. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't understand how that was possible.

You might be confused as to why I call it "near-fatal". The photos don't look that bad, right? It was an extremely dangerous situation, at a fairly huge intersection, at high-speed for the zone. So easily, the end result could have been utterly different.

Anyway, that's just the tip of the iceberg. In addition to not being able to drive right now (that right-front wheel is SOOO wonky, I barely made the 200m journey home), I had some minor relationship issues, had to drive a barely-functional piece-of-shit tjorretjie in the worst Pretoria North - Menlyn-ish traffic I've ever seen... The WORST, as far as stress levels go, is what happened at my work-place yesterday. I don't want to spout nonsense about a company on a public forum, so details in person, for anyone who knows me. 

Let's just leave it at that. I needed to get this off my chest, but I'd really rather not whine incessantly. I think this is the fourth accident I've been in since the start of 2012, so here's a lesson for you boys and girls, gratia: Driving is dangerous, mmmkay? Please do so with the utmost care, and the best of luck!


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