The Top 10 Films of All-Time

There have been a few requests for me to get up on the soapbox again. I have a general habit of picking apart and analysing every film I watch. Many misunderstand this. They see me as evaluating and not enjoying a film. That could not be further from the truth. Maybe it's just me, but I would find myself becoming bored if I only considered "What's happening?". It's simply a case of, guess what, I can concentrate on more than one task at a time. I don't, for one second, think that others cannot. I look at camera angles and shots, art direction, costuming, story-line and plot (of course), character development, dialogue, soundtrack...a great many things. Perhaps that's a curse of being a graphic designer, and being extremely interested in design, broadly. Wynand and I came up with the 21 scale. Now, I've already talked about it once or twice, in online form. Let me reiterate though, it's not about being funny at all. I genuinely believe that it...