Agent CODENAME: Hitman 47

I'm just playing, of course it's Hitman: Agent 47 . Or just Agent 47 according to Ster Kinekor's app. Anyway— I saw it today along with Richard and Lindsey. It was vaguely entertaining. I'll touch on two major flaws, along with one good point about the film in my review. Let's start with the plot. What can we say about it? Hitman has to kill a megalomaniac world leader and retrieve a nuke to stop him from blowing up the world! No wait, that's not it. He has to travel back in time to— Ok, I confess. I didn't really get the plot. I'm sure Richard would be disappointed here. To sum it up, there's a girl. She was created and genetically mutated to be paranoid by her father, an evil scientist who mellowed out like a hippie with orchids 'n' stuff in Singapore when he got older and developed lung cancer. People from Syndicate want him, because he's the only one who knows how to make new super soldiers, or AGENTS. Zachary Quinto...