2016 - My Resolutions

I'm having a fantastic time in Hermanus, as always! It never disappoints. Happy New Year! May 2016 always be a very fond memory for you guys. I look forward to it being one of my best years, and I hope it's the same for you. Before I list my resolutions, let me quickly review what I once learned to be a SMART goal. Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-bound I might not have put down the specific details in full of each and every goal, but ALL of these are far more than just pie-in-the-sky, trust me. Without further delay, my list: Count the Calories I aim for 1800 calories a day, and track this using the Health app on my phone. Before my next meal, I make sure that I'm up-to-date and have added the data manually. Even estimating the calories is better than just munching haphazardly, and makes you more aware of what's going in your body. Join Virgin Active I've been putting this off for long enough, but ...