#5 - Arrested Development (2003). Kitty: Say goodbye to these, because it’s the last time!

I regard only the original three seasons (there's a 4th on Netflix, and I've seen an episode of it on D.S.T.V.) as exactly that: the original and proper series. I have extremely fond memories of watching this with Wynand. We both absolutely loved it! At the time, at least for us, it came out of left field. Entirely. He randomly heard about it on some poker forums , and it was ridiculously cheap on Amazon. The recommendation was something akin to "BEST SERIES EVER!!!". If you know anything about the TwoPlusTwo forums, you'll realize that you can find some great content there, if you're diligent enough to sift relentlessly through endless garbage. Or know exactly where to look. It was a trusted source, so to speak. We were not disappointed. I could go on all day about how this is very similar to the EXACT comedy T.V. series I'd hope to write, if I were ever given such a task. The dialogue is so intellectual and incredibly clever, the characteriza...