Showing posts from 2014
Konrad, Richard, & my HOLY TRINITY to follow...(are you reading this RIGHT NOW?)
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One of my fathers...
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This man is perhaps the finest human being to have walked this planet since I was born. Obviously. Blah blah. Blah. But to appreciate the pure logic in his thought, the BLINDING beauty of it...made me cry. This was one of the best weeks of my life, and both myself and Man Utd are making a brand new start. Step-by-step. Only fools skip a link in the chain. And horses. If you ever watch British comedy... :-) Just watch if you've some time to kill on a Friday night. Or whenever. But it's one of those. It's not a cat video. It's not a kid. It's not sports. It's not any of that shit. Not that those aren't important. Just...cat videos...they're so...if you could overdose on "Meh." /shrug "I THINK HAPPINESS IS A BIT LIKE A CAKE. IF YOU HAVE A CAKE EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, YOU’LL GET SICK OF IT. IF YOU’RE HAPPY EVERY DAY, YOU’LL GET SICK OF BEING HAPPY… THAT’S A GOOD SAYING ACTUALLY. HAPPINESS IS LIKE A CAKE. HAVE TOO MUCH ...
OMG What a weekend! Dear lord, that was beautiful...
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Just a VERY short entry, but there's a reason behind that. This is mos TO HELP ME, and I believe IT WILL. I don't think I need to say more about this: I might have been guilty of exaggeration in the past. I'm fairly sure I was. But fuckit, this was one of the most amazing weekends of my entire life. The conversations I had with my two primary shareholders, my parents...MUFC...Colin's birthday braai...it was so satisfying. Of course, the big thing is what I feel I discovered about life. /...let's my actions do the talking.../ "Let's make a new start...", Louis v. Gaal to Konrad Brandt. Not directly, but still. Be foolish to ignore it. :-) ^5!!!!!!! :-D
A view from the other side...
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This is something I wrote while I was still in hospital. Give it a quick scan, it's well-written. I still feel the same way now. Something I realized last night while writing on it is that not many people have been through what I've been through. Basically, my whole life has been ripped from me. First the guy I was gonna spend the rest of my life with. That was bad enough. Then this accident happened. The only way to get out there and face people again is to get back up. Yeah I've been through at least three major incidents. Pity doesn't help. I know the rest of my life depends on me and I've got to work hard but that's usually hard enough for people who haven't been through what I have. I don't know what the future holds but I'd love to pass some of this message on somehow. If it helps even one person, that will mean the world to me. So until next time, stop procrastinating and be glad to be alive! Keep well guys. This has inspired me to do ...
#1: The Office (U.K. - 2001)
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This was simply the dog's bollocks. Have I foreshadowed this enough with numerous mentions of Ricky Gervais as well as my second entry of this blog, ever? Here's what I said: Guitar brought meaning to one of the most fantastic art-forms, music, and I make top 10 lists of guitarists and the various aspects of guitar up as I go along, driving or whatever, just to keep my brain entertained and occupied. What's the best T.V. series I've ever seen? I can tell you off-hand, because I've thought about it many times before. The Office (U.K.), by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. http://mymindthehauntedhouse.blogspot.com/2013/07/top-10-lists-and-their-nature.html ASIDE: Just noticed, it's been a year already! Pretty cool. :-) Rest assured, it wasn't intentional. Just a nice coincidence! :-P The Office was a comedic series that absolutely challenged some of the perceptions of people you spend most of your life with - your coworkers. ...
#2: The Wire (2002) - COMPLETE!
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Not only #2, but I also want to celebrate my 50th blog entry today (of this blog, semi-recently I wrote on http://konrad-recovery.blogspot.com )! I'm pretty pleased that my writing seems to be coming along. At the very least, I FEEL that I'm absorbing a MAGNITUDE of knowledge in socialising with people and talking to them. Recently I met the Erban Cheff. It's pronounced like a real Jamaican "er'bin", but is obviously a double meaning for "urban." Lemme just say, this guy is fuckin' cool and raps like a BAWSS!!! His freestylin' in my study was like Biggie coming to my house for a private show. It was INSANE! He also shares my attitude about AFRICA, and chills/jams/parties with just about anyone. I experiment A LOT. Holding that in mind, I wanna try write a little bit more, maybe throughout the day. Hey, I write whenever I feel the need to shed the stuff on my mind. Fortunately, thoughts are really flowing at the current time. I think p...
You won't believe what happened Friday night!!!
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Dear Wynand On Friday night, I was with R, L, C and C (:-P) @ Grafters'. Also D, but that's another story entirely (TRIVIA NIGHT!). Before the game, L told me she thought 4 - 1 to Spain. I think she was half-joking, but SHE DID think the Netherlands would probably lose. I was a tiny bit more optimistic (I've been nearly manic this last while, though NOT AS BAD as you, at all. :-D) but I was still tending towards España winning. Maybe 2-1. *Maybe* draw 2-2. I largely base this on Spanish teams dominating the UEFA Champions League Final. True, they could have (and usually do have) players from mostly all over the world. Still. It influences national morale. They are the reigning World Champions after all. For a while, POSSESSION-FOOTBALL was KING. Not anymore. Been watching a lot, and it's a different style now dominating. FUCK, IS DUTCH MORALE THROUGH THE ROOF! #5pa1n !!! S.C. shared this, and it's so clever! That's why L and I were ^5ing ...
#2: THE REAL SLIM SHADY.mp3! (Sorry, I couldn't resist :-D)
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So #2, out of all the T.V. series ever crafted, lovingly, like an old man bent hunchback over his tools, but headlamp ON, is... THE WIRE. ALL THE SEASONS. /ƾƾ (Don't those LOOK like musical notes? A tiny bit, yeah? Song lyrics...) SHAKE THA' WHOLE THANG! /shakes that booty like a 'ho/ ƾƾ/ Getting back to The Wire, I could go on for days talking about how MAGNIFICENT this was. R, Agree with me? Wondering about #1, yeah? :-) There's a certain something to be said for the realism with which this was portrayed. I FELT for the poor people. The gangstahs were awesome! /waving his gun out, SURPRISE! Shooting! BANG BANG!/ :-D Those happen to be the exact words I quoted to memories of Wynand in my head (memorial address). Listen, I need to step away for a second. I want to dedicate the next entry to Wynand, the cute blond-haired boy who'd have been very proud of me now. I imagine him as Mr. Miyagi tending his bonsai with grace but utmost affection. ...
#2: "No wait, 2 mins...THEN number 2 of my series,...er...series(?). :-D"
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First of all, big ups to the Netherlands tonight, @21h00 on SS3 (Hopefully SS3HD, yeah, R? :-D). It's been billed as "15- Scratch, that sorry ladies and gents. Correction! 19 rounds of HEAVY-WEIGHT ACTION between the defending champ, the sly and treacherous (sometimes! :-D) Espaňa ---/gasps from the crowd/ And in the orange corner, the ever-young and striving ever-so-hard, never quite succeeding Holland." Never been the champs, EVER! /Winston Churchill in his chair, puffing on a fine cigar- "We'll make it. ----...SOME DAY, son. *lazy puff*"/ :-) #WW2 :-D Listen, the video is off-the-hook cool! Song's not bad either. You know who I am by now. HOLLAND. Cool connection though, don'tyathink? :-) "Konrad?...But, like, by how much??" say you. /I look at you. Are you involving $$$ ?/ Blech. I'm like that Toydarian from Star Wars, Episode 1: THE PHANTOM MENACE. "Despite what you've heard, ...
Characterization and Writing
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I would like to say that this is the extra factor I focus on, when judging series especially: characterization. Do I use the dictionary definition? I've checked it before, and I think it is. But what I mean by the word, is described simplest as the manner in which the characters feel rich and real, perhaps like real-life friends and people you've met. Shakespeare certainly had a VERY elegant command of his created personas. He's considered pretty good, but at school at times, until varsity, I felt he was overrated. Like a great many things, I realized I was wrong. I think the reason why he should be considered superb, doesn't come across well in our culture or education. He made PLAYS. They were meant to be seen, and are best appreciated today as plays (never been to one) or films. Actually, just writing this, I realized you obviously need BOTH. Literature, plus visuals. There's no point to only teaching the written work. Even a real script would be much better ...
#3 - "You can't take the sky from me."
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NOTE: The "Characterization 101"-entry is on a temporary hiatus, until I return to my Roodepoort office. I'm "traveling" at the moment. :-D I'm much more confident that we'll share opinions this morning. I reckon, and I'm not alone, that Joss Whedon's Firefly was one of the finest sci-fi tales ever told. A young, brash me, would say, "The best ever!" Never before was such a poignant cross between sci-fi and traditional westerns accomplished. Right now, I still hold a similar sentiment. Imagine the coolest western you've ever seene. Now add a beautiful mix of space waste, dystopian desolation, a class-ist society etc. and you have... #3 - FIREFLY (2002/2517) . Comparing it, briefly, to the Star Wars universe, I conclude that: It is a far more believable setting The aforementioned, alone, does not imply quality. Star Wars is more mystical and fantastic in scope, certainly. You simply have to suspend your disbeli...