#10: Command & Conquer (1995)

I was about 10 or 11 years old, and still fondly remember meeting up with a friend at Sunday School and fervently discussing all the finer points of EACH AND EVERY MISSION. It was brilliant. I suppose it was one of my first experiences where the sharing took place on that level. We would strategise, discuss weaknesses, the amazing FMV clips...I would look forward to that the whole week. It was very fun trying to find little tricks to exploit the A.I. It didn't feel like cheating at all, it felt like it was all part of the game. It felt NECESSARY. Ones I can still remember are parking a stealth-tank in the enemy refinery so that their harvester could not deliver any tiberium, or how you could pick off an enemy Mammoth Tank with a single Recon Bike unit if you were fast and skilled enough to dodge their rockets, because you could stay outside the main cannons' range. The first time I encountered an Obelisk of Light...it was one of my most defining gaming moments u...