The Great Architect

God, the Great Architect Imagine a building under construction. It's so messy, there's stuff lying everywhere and it's tough to think how this is all going to come together. A dirty trench filled with rainwater, piles of wood just lying in random places, workers who've tracked muddy footprints all over, trash piled high in a corner… It looks like a disaster, disorganised and things out of place. Imagine the owner going to visit the site. It's easy to take one look and think, "Oh dear. This is going to be a massive failure, it'll never come together. Let's maar cut our losses and stop building. This place is never going to be what we wanted..." Instead, now imagine the architect going to visit the construction. Maybe he’d be relaxed and think, "Not to be worried. It's all part of the process. You can't have a beautiful building without a lot of yucky bits along the way." In the ...